20 January 2011

It's OK To Be Wrong

I'm starting to realize that I have a tendency to fear being wrong.  I'm not exactly sure from where this uneasiness comes from, but I'm assuming it could have something to do when you're small, and your parents tell you you are wrong, and you fear being punished.

I'm trying to embrace more the concept recently that it's OK to be wrong.  It's completely fine to make mistakes sometimes, or to be confused or misunderstand a situation.  Since it's natural for human beings to err, it's actually fine to realize that your thoughts, understanding, or concept of an issue has been in error.

Of course, this is not to say to do what you knowingly believe is morally wrong.  It just means that sometimes, it's completely fine that your previous understanding of an issue could have been wrong.  These flawed understandings may also have led to less than optimal choices, decisions, and behaviors, and all that is needed is a calm courage to accept that your previous understanding may not have been the best way or the only way.

Throughout history, many people in various cultures around the world have clung on to their beliefs and convictions because they were unwilling to let go of their firmly-held beliefs.  This has sometimes resulted in major clashes, as well as in a more minor sense, a less optimal way of living.

Another aspect of being told by others that you are potentially wrong is recognizing that perhaps it is only their viewpoint.  It's, therefore, also possible for you to still believe in your own viewpoint while acknowledging that the other party's viewpoint could likely be equally valid, or could also be wrong.

In either case of whether your viewpoint is right or wrong, it's important to not let this fear of making mistakes or being wrong control your mind, your actions, or your life.  It's helpful just to recognize it as another passing activity part of living - that it's OK to be wrong.


We normally fear the unknown instead of embrace it. So it is easier for us to believe that we are right.
yes, that's very true
Doing or saying something is better than not doing anything or not saying a single word on the moment of time only for the fear of being wrong.
yes, absolutely
انه لا بأس أن أكون مخطئا نعم ولاكن في بعض المجتمعات وحسب المنصب الموكل الى الشخص فان الخطأ لايغفر ولا يمكن المسامحة وبعض الأشخاص يهربون الى الوراء بدلا من أن يعترفوا بأخطائهم وخاصة عندما تكون أخطاء مصيرية مثل خطأ قائد عسكري أو مدير شركة أو حتى أصغر من ذالك مثل أب مع أولاده و زوج مع زوجته وفي النتيجة كلنا نخطأ في بعض الأحيان وفي الأحيان الأخرى نصيب المهم هو أن نتعلم من أخطائنا ومن أخطاء غيرنا كي نتفادا في المستقبل الوقوع في الخطأ Arizona Cardinals Jerseys Stephen Curry Ones Stephen Curry One Beats By Dre Roshe Shoes Roshe One Stephen Curry Ones KD 8 Shoes KD 8 Christmas Cheap KD 8 KD 8 Shoes KD 8 For Sale 2015 Jordan Shoes 2016 Air Jordan Shoes 2015 Air Jordan Retro Cheap Curry One Nike Roshe Run 2016 NIKE AIR MAX Air Max 2016 Pas Cher
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