Somewhere along this journey we found ourselves looking back on memories as if they were the only anchors left of a sane world and we forgot that those memories were accomplished by doing great things today.
Every day when I first awake I think of those I love and it seems to
always be the beginning point also of my consciousness dreaming.
The hardest part is why I dream. I continually try to remember what
It is all about and thoughts come to mind.. like always I know
I can do better if only.. It's ok.. Thanks..I love you.. Sorry
الذكريات اسم جميل عند بعض الأشخاص وأسم كريه عند بعض الأشخاص ليست الذكريات دائما حلوة وسعيدة عند البعض وغالبا ما يحاولون الهرب منا وعدم الولوج في ماضيهم لأن ذكرياتهم تكون برأيهم مزعجة جدا و في بغض الأحيان تكون مخيفة وكابوسا على رؤوسهم الماضي مضى من عمرنا ولكنه ماضي معنا الى اخر عمرنا لا يوجد حل الماضي لصيق لا يمكن الهرب منه ولا التبديل بماض اخر والأسخاص الذين يكونون ماضيهم بالنسبة اليهم جميل وفي نظرهم فهو انسان محظوظ ولو كان ماضيه في رأينا ان جاز التعبير ماضي قبيح فهو يراه جميل وهذه خصوصيته
It is a set of design, production, sales, as one of the dress company, has its own design team, production centers and sales platform, products sold in Europe, including wedding dresses, bridesmaid
always be the beginning point also of my consciousness dreaming.
The hardest part is why I dream. I continually try to remember what
It is all about and thoughts come to mind.. like always I know
I can do better if only.. It's ok.. Thanks..I love you.. Sorry